The Results Are In...

If you read my post here about the redesign of the Lakeside cafe on campus, you will know that our group placed in the top four and were to represent to a different panel of judges.

We represented on Friday of this past week, and on Saturday they announced the winners. OUR TEAM WON!!!! We are very excited and I can't wait to see the transformation. Please take a look at the earlier post to see the quick rendering the interior designers did and you can take a look at the branding and signage that Matt and I did.

The outside of Lakeside will mostly remain the same aside from extending a wall and balcony out for additional seating, but the inside will make a total transformation. Can't wait to see things begin and be a part of the change to the campus! Construction will start this May.


SaraJane said...

mama and i are hoping that the reason you haven't blogged in almost a month is because you've been studying and creating like a fiend.

Susie Mae said...

As a matter of fact, you're both right. Thankfully (no pun intended) Thanksgiving break is here so I will be both blogging (hopefully) and creating like a fiend.

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