A little bit of my work

Some of these are recent, others are not as recent. I'll update more soon. Just switched to my new MacBook Pro and am still trying to figure out where all of my files are without adding them two or three times to the new computer. I LOVE this computer. Her name is Fiona Apple. Get it?! Much more to come... I realize I haven't posted in a while. I've been in hiding designing and studying and such non-stop. People warned me that senior year would be a challenge, but true to form I didn't listen and now it's gotten tough and I haven't slept enough. I will be posting proof of that (some of this included) so you'll believe me that I've been busy and am not just blowing smoke. More to come..stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

you need to post your award winning "green is the new black" poster!

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