Tip of the Week...err, Month: Casseroles!

I realize this is probably the most boring and obvious post ever, but I figure, what the hey.
Casseroles are about the single easiest dish to make, serve, save, freeze, tote, and enjoy! Growing up, whenever there was a death in some one's family, a new baby born, any need for a meal to be delivered to friends, Mama would make some delicious casserole that Sara Jane and I would be watering at the mouth for and peeking into the oven jealously wishing we were eating it that evening. She always packed it in her Pyrex container and put these awesome gel packs to keep it warm in there that Sara Jane and I would LOVE to squish around (and then we were promptly told to "scram" when we were getting too munch underfoot and destroying the gel packs), and then head off to deliver it. Mama makes excellent casseroles.
Could it be because she was raised primarily in the casserole era?

On a normal evening, we don't typically eat casseroles, but I do recall nights when we had red hot/mashed potato casserole or a cheesy chicken concoction or even a beanie weenie with biscuits casserole. Those heavenly meals were reserved for busy PTA or choir practice nights when cooking in advance or throwing something quick and easy together was a must.

Mama would likely be embarrassed that I'm writing about those casseroles, but there is just something so comforting about the simple, no fuss, kid-friendly casseroles. And please understand, Mama is an excellent cook and we have never been hurting for delicious food she is more than capable!

The most standby recipe that everybody can enjoy across the board is Chicken and Rice casserole. Most simple and easy and delicious comfort food I can really lift the spirits.

Here's the recipe:
1 can cream of chicken soup
4 cooked and cubed chicken breasts
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 cups cooked white or brown rice
1/2 cup steamed broccoli (optional)
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 sleeve crushed Ritz crackers

Preheat oven to 375. Mix soup, sour cream, onion powder, black pepper together. Put the rice in the bottom of the pan, layer with chicken and pour soup mixture over the top and let it drain down into the rice and chicken. Top with crushed crackers and back for 20 or 25 minutes just to heat it through since everything is already cooked. Then top with the cheddar cheese and then put back in the oven to melt it.


Anonymous said...

i hear you have a dog staying with you this week. Maybe you should blog about it.

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