The Potato and Women with Tools

This weekend has been somewhat productive so far...although still I am very unsatisfied with the pictures I've taken. I'm in such haste to get them snapped before the batteries die that I don't patiently wait for a good shot. Anyway, my best friend, Lindsay (at my left in the above picture) came over to help me hang my bamboo shade in my bathroom that I've had laying on my floor waiting to be hung since January! She generously let me borrow her drill (and by borrow I mean she came over and did most of the work while I held the shade up with my freakishly long arms) and we got the shade hung and I think it is just lovely...particularly when you compare it to the former "window treatment" that consisted for a blue towel circa 1991 with embroidered butterflies held up by two clear push pins. Classy.

Very spa like, eh?

Thursday night Lindsay and I watched one of my favorite movies, "When Harry Met Sally". It's such a beautiful love story although it has many bumps along the way and they take forever to figure it all out, I'm a sucker for best friend love stories and I just adore this movie. We also had some Bailey's treats complete with whipped cream on top in the above green 1970s vintage mugs that Mama let me have, LOVE them also. Also pictured is my cake candle that I LOVE! The scent is orange cinnamon cake. TDF (to die for in Sara Jane's abbreviated lingo) and it has helped me get the stink of Tater (below) and her "tots" she keeps leaving on my carpet! I've taken her out many times during the days and she's had at least one or two walks everyday, yet still she leaves me presents over night. She is house trained and has only had one accident in Mama and Daddy's house to my knowledge, but for some reason while she's visiting me she seems to think pooping in front of the TV is a great idea. Meanwhile, I'm getting sick of scooping poop in bags in the house and scrubbing the carpet with OxyClean, and I'm running low on my supply! I guess this is good training for being a Mama someday. But just look at her! About six or so poops in my house and I still can't be mad at her for long...she's just so cute! I hope to have more pictures of her doing cute things from this weekend.

I mean really, this fat doggie rump, too cute! I never get tired of petting her and cuddling with her on the sofa. Sara Jane is coming to visit with us for Saturday and Sunday and much to my dismay, will be taking Tater back home. After receiving worried parental calls from both Mama and Daddy, I'm sure they will be happy to have the Potato back. Daddy even asked to talk to her on the phone! They love her so much and both have admitted to being so sad that she isn't there and missing her terribly! I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see them to and maybe she'll go back to pooping outside.


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