Julie and Julia

I cannot wait until this movie comes out! Not only are Meryl Streep and Amy Adams both terrific actresses, but it is about food, blogging, and I can't miss this one!

Also, I love the design of this book the movie is based on...LOVE it! I wish I had been the one to do this cover. This book is about the life of Julie Powell and her endeavor to do something exciting. She looks up to Julia Childs, the famous chef, and cooks her way through Julia's over 500 recipes in one year. Julie blogs about her experiences and all the while we see the life of Julia Childs alongside as she goes to culinary school and becomes the woman we know her as today.

Amy Adams, as Julie Powell...she is so precious! She looks so soft and maternal but still chic.

Now, Julia.... Meryl Streep is such an awesome actress. She makes me believe that she is that character (which was unfortunate when she played Cruella Deville), but I really enjoy watching her films.
I feel Julia and I might get along if she's anything like what I've seen on the movie trailer so far. In one clip of a scene she is talking to a man over a meal trying to decide what she should do with her life. He asks her "what do you love to do?" and she replies laughing and says "eat!". I know the feeling. I love food, cooking it, eating it...it's just so fun and lovely and involves a great amount of creativity.


SaraJane said...

Actually, Glenn Close was Cruella DiVille but Meryl was terrifying as Miranda Priestley.

Also, I love this book! It's so fun and the movie looks really fun too.

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