Happy Fourth of July!

This fourth of July my friends Suzanne, Tracey, Mary E, Ben, Tyler, Katie, Jared, Clifford, and I went swimming Ben's house. His family was very generous to let us all come over and swim at their house (and eat their boiled peanuts)! The picture above is of Mary E and Ben at Clifford's house where we went for a cookout after we swam and cleaned up before the fireworks that evening.

Clifford and Brent (who joined us for the cooking out) grilling like men for all of us. The food was DELICIOUS !

For dessert, Suzanne and I made a flag cake with a white sheet cake layered with strawberries and with blueberries as the stars (there were more like 60 "stars" as Tracey informed us).

We went to our church lawn to watch the fireworks that were shot from the park a little down the road from the church. They were very pretty considering our small town.

(Pictured above left to right: Clifford, Suzanne, and Tracey)
To finish off our weekend, I made a rosemary roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, rolls, and butter beans for Sunday lunch after church. Sadly, the chicken was a little overcooked because church went a little long this week and so the over just kept 'acookin'. We had left over cake and some decaf coffee to finish it off. This was a very nice weekend!


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