Fried Green Tomatoes and Basil

Ok, so this isn't a recipe for fried green tomatoes and basil. I bought a patio tomato and a small basil plant to keep in terracotta pots on my back patio (had to move them to the ground to maximize sunshine time). It's very exciting to have plants growing and I can't wait to get to cook with them and eat the "fruits of my labor" so to speak.
I'm afraid that in this heat (the heat index has reached 120 here!!!) they will fry on the plant before I can even get any ripe tomatoes...but here's hoping they'll make it and I'll be able to update you with some beautiful, plump red tomatoes! However, my thumb is usually not so green, any tips?
I also would like to add that this basil smells sooo good it's all I can do not to gobble it up as it grows!


Anonymous said...

we are so becoming our mother... we both got excited about growing plants this summer. and we're obsessed with tato... that's pretty much all it takes to be mama.

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