My Mama Made That

If you haven't already fallen in love with this cookbook, googled it, and made your purchase via Amazon books or some such thing, there may be something seriously wrong with you. It is hands down the cutest cookbook I have seen as far as I can remember.

"My Mama Made That" is the cookbook for the Hampton Roads, VA Junior League and so far I am only mildly obsessed with it but my obsession grows each day. Inside the book is divided into sections for type of meal such as entrees, appetizers, drinks, desserts, etc., and also grouped into meals for special occasions. There's a "first day of school" meal and "new years eve" meal just to name a couple. In addition to the fun names, delicious recipes, and adorable cover, the interior of the book is designed well and is so fun to browse through. The separate sections in the cookbook are divided by of course, pictures of the food and also a section header complete with a photo of an old-timey apron on a clothesline blowing in the wind. They had me at apron...

If you have the chance to get this book, you definitely should and leave it out for people to look at also because as a student of design, to me this is art!


Anonymous said...

i love it!! i might feature that for my next round of VV articles. i like the new blog look! very slick.

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