Preparing for Mother's Day

This is the yellow squash we used for the casserole mentioned in the earlier post. We diced and cooked up 10 smaller squash rather than 6 large, I don't know if that is equal, but there was a nice amount of squash in the casserole.
For dessert we made a lemon raspberry trifle. It was SO good! You can find the recipe here. This was my first time making my own whipped cream, and I am itching to do it again! It was so fun! We served the trifle in one of our great-grandmother's old punch bowls and even thought the shape isn't perfect for this type of dish, I think the cut glass looks so pretty with all of the bright color in this dessert.
Tater even did her part cleaning up (pieces of chicken that made their way to her bowl, she happily cleaned up!)
I am a big fan of packaging design, which you probably know by now, and I love the clean simplicity of Publix packaging. Even if it wasn't cheaper than the national brand, I'd still be very tempted to buy their products.
This is Georgia caviar, and if you haven't tried it, it's high time you do now! It is very yummy and keeps well in the refrigerator to serve whenever you like.
Since our dog, Sweet Potato, will not leave the rug in the den, except to come to her bowl and go outside, she was stranded by herself in the den. This is proof of her sad little'd difficult to go anywhere in the house besides that rug! Who could resist this face? I highly recommend looking at Sara Jane's post about Tater!


Anonymous said...

That sad puppy face is so sweet!!! I just want to kiss her right on the nose!

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