Marmy's Day

For Mother's Day this year, Sara Jane and I made Sunday dinner for Mama and Grandmama. I would like to share these recipes and some easy and thrifty ideas for entertaining. The picture below is a hot chicken salad with wild rice added to make it more of a main course. The recipe can be found here: This next recipe is a squash casserole, recipe by Paul Deen. It was DELISH! You should definitely make it. Here's the recipe. We made it with all yellow squash.
We also made roasted asparagus. Super easy recipe, take a bundle of asparagus, saute in about 2 tbsp, 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. I love eating asparagus because you can eat it with your hands and be socially acceptable. :)
Sara Jane made these adorable napkins and bought the napkin rings for Mama and we set the table with them, attaching a tag to the one at Mama's seat at the table. We set a flower in a pot as the centerpiece, which was also Grandmama's gift.
This flower is growing in a pot on Mama and Daddy's back porch. It's called an Amaryllis. Isn't it beautiful?
Other recipes and photos in a post to come.


charlotte carroll said...

Marmy!!!! omg... I call my mother "marmy" too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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