Green Eggs and Lobster

On the occasion of Father's Day Mama and I made a big fancy meal for Daddy. We got lobster tails for each of us and grilled them on the Big Green Egg grill along with a small steak for each of us and happily for us, the lobster tails and steak were on special at Publix. We also steamed some asparagus, sliced some tomatoes, baked potatoes, and toasted some bread. It was SO yummy! We also had some white wine (is that allowed when you're also having steak?) The whole meal was very delicious and we celebrated in style! Sadly, Daddy grilled his own lobster tails and steak on Father's Day but Mama and I didn't exactly know what to do as far as getting that giant grill going.

I gave Daddy two pieces of my pottery that I got back from my class for his Father's Day gift and he seemed to really like them! It was a good day, one of celebration! We celebrated Father's Day and then Sara Jane came home from Trinidad!!! Check her blog for details of the trip they should be coming soon along with some excellent pictures.


Anonymous said...

yum! sounds delish.

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