The Blessing of Working

This summer I have been so blessed! I was in need of a job to help pay for things while I'm in school and before I could even look for one very hard...there it was! My RUF pastor, Sammy (his wife's blog) said that somebody from our church, Trinity Presbyterian Church, said that there was a job available for weekends at a local interior design shop.
My weakness: pretty things for the house (clothes too, are my weakness of course), so I had to investigate further! Sammy gave me the number for the owner, Lynn, who is one of the nicest, most accommodating, godly women you will ever have the pleasure to meet, and she asked me to come in. I gladly came in to meet her and the other women who work there (Harriet and Barbara who both go to church with me and are so fun and genuine), and on the spot, she put me on the schedule! I didn't have to interview, she said I came highly recommended and trusted me to live up to the recommendation. I cannot express how thankful I am for that! The hours are excellent and everybody is so friendly and flexible with my school schedule. It's even fun to meet local Statesboro(ites? ians?) who are all very warm and friendly which is to be expected in a smaller southern city. The store is called The Carriage House. There isn't a website, but if you are a local or even passing through, you've got to come look at all of the beautiful things...and buy some too!

I love my job! I love the beautiful surroundings in which I work. I love the people I work with, and I love that this is such a picture of God's grace and His providing for my needs in ways I don't even expect and He provides far above my needs.


Anonymous said...

i believe they're called statesboratians.

i can't wait to come peruse the pretty things!

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