Home decor is my personal heroine.

For my packaging design class, I am required to purchase a set of some home decor items and package them to look fresh and new and typify the essence of the company (that was invented by our professor) along with rebranding that company complete with a new logo.
Since birds are all in this season (and they are just so cute!) I decided to go with a bird motif mostly inspired by a set of bird napkin rings Sara Jane sent me. I bought a set of bowls, dinner plates, salad plates, and mugs (all on deep discount at Ross, mind you) and set out to find those napkin rings!
I went to a store in Savannah I'd never been in before and was mystified! The store is called @ Home Vintage General and it has the most beautiful and magical items within. It's on Broughton Street in downtown Savannah if you are ever in the area, I highly recommend stopping by. It was like going into my vintage dream with beautiful colors, bird everything, and all sorts of fun things for the kitchen inspired by the past. I got a really nostalgic feeling (even though really I was not yet born when the vintage things I love were popular) without any of the things for sale being clique or too cutesy and overdone.
Also, the saleswoman who worked there was so friendly that it made the experience all the more enjoyable. She was not a salesperson who tries to push you to buy but she was very friendly and helped me find what I was looking for and gave me plenty of space to browse and not feel pressured. As I was checking out, I discovered that she was even an art student like myself. I really enjoy getting to know new people and she was delightful to talk to while I was there.
In addition to the bird napkin rings I found there, I also ran across some adorable paper that I bought for this packaging series I'm working on (photos to follow when I finish).


Anonymous said...

i love the paper!! i think you'd be remiss to paint the napkin rings (if you're still thinking of doing that.) they go so well with the paper. we have to visit this store asap! and the store with the Bernie!

Susie Mae said...

Well, the plates and such that I have are off white so they look dirty compared to the white of the paper.

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