I can't wait to get paid for this!

For my package design class, we were asked to make up a wine company, design a logo, a reason the wine is made (it's supposed to be a gift wine rather than everyday wine) and a set of 3 label designs along with a gift box. I decided on "Reel Wine" with a meal and movie suggestion on the back of each bottle. Each one has a theme. There is "Kiss Me Cabernet Sauvignon" , "Murderous Merlot" , "and Shoot Em' Up Shiraz". The corresponding movie type has a suggestion of that genre on the back. Also, the gift box I designed to resemble a movie theater popcorn box and the bottles fit tightly down inside. If I had really made it to go into production, there would be an acrylic square cut to fit down into the box with a center hole cut so the buyer could pull the top out easily.


Anonymous said...

I love these! I think you should pitch this to Mr. Bellisario and Mr. Meyer asap.

Anonymous said...

update your blog!! you are a month behind!

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