Mama Mia!

Are you wondering who this beautiful woman is pictured above? You may be surprised to find that she is my Mama. We look nothing alike (but Sara Jane definitely resembles her!). In honor of Mother's Day (I realize that I'm two weeks late doing this), I would like to list a few things about my Mama that I appreciate, fond memories we've had, funny things she does, and things that I admire about her.

1. Like I've mentioned before, I am a bargain shopper to the core. Sara Jane and I both have had a lifetime of experience searching through racks of clothes marked "Clearance" with Mama. We are very blessed to have parents who can and do provide for all that we need, and also we have been very blessed to learn the art of bargain shopping to pinch pennies whether we "need" to at the time, or not. I recall times as kids when Sara Jane and I practically threw ourselves on the floor complaining that we were out shopping while Mama tried on some dress, or suit that was on sale and then decided not to get it because it "didn't do anything for her". Even though as children we didn't like going bargain shopping (which takes longer because it requires hunting for the best deal!) now, we appreciate the thrill of the hunt for a deal, the value of a dollar, and the high quality products found at the lowest possible price.

2. Some things I remember about childhood may not seem extraordinary because they are just the everyday, but those are the things that I remember more than anything else. For instance, I fondly remember when we lived in Shawnee how Mama used to sit at the telephone desk (pre portable phone era) between the laundry room and kitchen talking to one of her old friends whom she has kept in touch with for decades. As she talked on out tanish cream telephone with the long curly cord that reminded me of a group of squishy Cheerios, we inevitably would need her to do something or answer something, or just pay attention to whatever unimportant thing we were doing while she tried to enjoy her few moments of adult/peaceful time. Whenever we would pester her, she would shoo us away with her hand and say "scram!" You may be, that is not a sweet memory. But, I say, au contraire! The older I get, the more I can identify with Mama and understand that to maintain sanity one must have adult time. Apparently children don't get that part and demand that their mothers pick which Barbie has on the better outfit while said mother is on the phone...hypothetically speaking of course.

3. My Mama is not one of those women who tells everybody exactly what she's thinking all of the time (too bad I didn't inherit that trait!), but when you ask her for an opinion or advice, she will not tell you what you want to hear. I can always count on Mama to sift every decision through a responsible and practical filter which I am missing sometimes, and will give me her advice and opinion based on that, but will never expect me to do what she thinks is right. I can't tell you how much I value that about her! She taught me and Sara Jane to make our own decisions, to consider others and be responsible but to ultimately be grown-ups and do what we know to be right and good and not just what someone else thinks is right. For instance, even though Mama did not think it was a good idea for me to move to Atlanta and stay in my sorority, when I made the decision that I wanted to do it anyway, she was supportive and has never said "I told you so" if life handed me a lemon or two. That is not to say that she didn't state her disagreement, but she gave me the opportunity to have her love and support and make a decision which took sacrifice (I had to pay for certain things for myself), and I would never trade the lessons learned and experiences I've had a result of her loving support and parental guidance. She is not afraid of tough loving us even when we just want her to say "yes you can do that" and I think that is invaluable in parenting.

4. These days when I come home for a weekend visit, Mama, Sara Jane, and I all pile on a sofa or bed somewhere near a TV and watch "What Not To Wear" together on TLC (PS. Highly recommend the book by Stacy and Clinton!) We have a great time laughing at all of the snappy one liners, visual puns, and usually we eat ice cream too. It's a very laid back, low pressure evening that is much needed for all of us at the end of a busy week and is a great way to spend time together. I know TV isn't usually a great conversation starter but more of a conversation stopper, but for us, this show does the trick! We usually follow that with walking Tater around the neighborhood to "work off" the ice cream.

5. Mama is one of the most loyal people I have ever met. I learned from her not to be fake, look down my nose at anybody, pretend to be somebody I'm not, and she has held loyalty and keeping her word in a very high position. Mama would never say she would do something for someone and then back out, speak ill of a friend, or quit anything just because it is difficult. I wish I could say that I've learned to be just like her in this respect but sadly I have much to learn and to grow in this area. She is a role model for following through on a commitment and being dependable.

6. Mama is a great storyteller...or reader. She is a children's librarian (media Specialist), in fact the media specialist of the year for the county last year! She whole heartily does her job and deserves every last bit of recognition for her hard work that the school. Growing up, she would read us stories every night (except those which Daddy made up stories of the rug on our bedroom floor...more to come on that on Father's Day) and even if she was dead tired, she would read to us with enthusiasm until she fell asleep once and said "but he wont make me any more pies!" in her sleep...we still can't figure out what she was dreaming about. She always used funny voices for the characters in the books and each story seemed to come alive and left us hanging on the edge of our beds waiting for the next page. Even in everyday things, Mama makes them fun. She is very clever and makes really cheesy, but hilarious jokes all of the time and still often uses the funny voices particularly when Tater is involved. She is a calm, reserved, and sophisticated lady around everybody, but at home she comes out of her shell and all while maintaining her ladylike standards she becomes a hilarious goofball. I love Mama very much and hope to be a Mama like her someday.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of why I love my Mama. Sorry if I've embarrassed you, Mama.

What fond fun memories do you share with your Mama?
What do you admire about her?


Anonymous said...

hahha i like the last line about sorry if you embarrassed her. you know she's going to hate that picture.

1. you left out the part where you feel the fabric for 20 minutes and stretch out panties to see if they'll fit around your rear.
2. she still does this
3. i'm shocked that you admitted this.
4. i prefer eating ice cream while watching the show about the obesity clinic
5. what are you trying to say? this is a description of the antithesis of me.
6. you left out the part where she cracks herself up so much that she can't even get out the hilarious/clever joke.

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